Cows: New

how to
How to Milk cows There are things that you should keep in mind, if you want to learn to milk cows.
Clean the teats, before you begin. To milk the cow manually, squeeze the teats and draw your hand downward, at the same time. Squeeze and pull down, until there is no more milk. Cows have to be milked at least a couple of times a day.
If you are going to milk the cow with a milker, then you will have to clean the teats first. Then, attach the milker to each teat. Each one must be attached to a...

This video shows you how to milk a cow with your bare hands. Wipe the udder with alcohol based wipes, to make sure it is clean. Place your stool at the side of the cow, towards the back end. Remove a little wax from the teats before starting. Squeeze the teats firmly with a regular motion. A cow should be milked twice a day. If the udder is pendulous then use a flatter pan rather than an milking bucket. The richness of the pasture will determine how much milk the cow delivers. Rainfall and the...

Milking a cow can yield multiple gallons of milk per session. This video tutorial demonstrates how to milk a grass fed cow by hand, and provides ways to make your cow more cooperative throughout the process. All you'll need is a cow, a stool, and a patient work ethic.

There's nothing like milking a dairy cow straight from the teat. Of course, before milking you'll need to sanitize the teat with a sterile solution and paper towel. This video tutorial demonstrates the proper methods of milking cows using a standard milk machine pulsator for professional results.

how to
How to Milk a cow Modern milking parlors use machines, but milking a cow by hand is an ancient art. Here's the "udderly" perfect way to do it.You Will Need* A dairy cow* A grain mixture or hay* A one-legged milking stool* A stainless steel milking pail* Milking gloves (optional)* Warm water (optional)* Soap or sanitizing solution (optional)* Milk pasteurizer (optional)

With the noble pursuit of science in mind, Johnny Knoxville learns how to artificially inseminate a cow firsthand. This is an integral part of cattle raising and dairy farming using bull sperm.

Suspect that your bovine (bull, cow) is pregnant. Well, there's only one way to be sure. Put on a plastic glove and insert your hand into the rectum, with your fingers together. See how to find out if your cattle is pregnant with help of this video tutorial.

Sometimes it is necessary to insert a catheter into a cow to obtain a urine sample. Catheterization can be a tricky process, but urine samples are a helpful diagnostic tool for many veterinarians to detect illness and other medical problems in cattle, as well as other animals. Learn how to insert a catheter into a cow to collect a urine sample by watching this video veterinary tutorial.

Urine can be simply obtained from a cow by stroking the escutcheon, instead of laborious catheterization. The urine sample can be a useful diagnostic tool for veterinarians to run a number of medical tests. Learn how to collect a urine sample for a cow by watching this video veterinary tutorial.

There are a number of halters, cattle anti-kicking devices and maneuvers that restrain a cow for veterinary examination purposes. This video veterinary tutorial shows some devices and techniques to prevent and restrain a cow from kicking an examiner. Some of these restraints are also important to farmers for implementing milking procedures onto a new cow.

A cow's tail might be in the way of a variety of veterinary procedures or other practical functions. In order to get the tail out of the way, the cow's tail may be tied. Learn how to tie a cow's tail for surgical or any purpose without hurting the cow or damaging the bones by watching this video veterinary tutorial.

Tres Semillas Mountain Inn is a family owned organic farm and rainforest retreat located in El Brujo de Rio Nuevo, Costa Rica, on the southern border of the Los Santos National Park. Learn the simple procedure for how to milk cows and care for them on an organic farm by watching this video tutorial.

Robert Whitacre is a professional artificial inseminator (AI) of cattle. This video shows how to artificially inseminate cows as part of an advanced breeding program for promoting favored genes in cattle livestock.

This is a short video tutorial of the method used for body condition scoring beef cattle. Learn how to evaluate the state of cows to keep track of the weight and health of cattle livestock.

Dr. Allen Bridges details methods for detection of estrus in beef cattle, part of an efficient breeding program. Poor estrus detection results in poor pregnancy rates. Learn how to maximize pregnancy rates and increase the health of female beef cattle by watching this video tutorial.

Dr. Allen Bridges shows how to incorporate the use of the CIDR (controlled intra-vaginal drug releasing devices) in a synchronization program for beef cattle. CIDR devices can be used to manage the reproductive cycles of female cows. Learn how to insert and CIDR devices and how to manage the estrus cycles of female cows for farming convenience, by watching this instructional video.

Dr. Keith Johnson shows how to correctly sample a large round bale for forage analysis Learn how to determine the nutritional content of the livestock feed to make sure that the dietetic needs of the farm animals being fed are being met.

how to
How to Use a grazing stick Dr. Keith Johnson show how to use a grazing stick to estimate the amount of usable forage for a grazing animals is available in a pasture. Learn how to determine how much feed for livestock can be found in a field with this simple tool.

Reduce the stress and complications of castration on both farmers and cattle. The Callicrate Bander is a non-surgical and non-chemical way to castrate. This instructional video shows the simple steps for how to castrate livestock with Callicrate Bander, and how to keep the animals healthy and free from tetanus.

how to
How to Milk a cow properly In this how to video, Andrew teaches us how to milk a cow without dying. You must always start by approaching the cow and becoming its friend. Proceed slowly and move to the rear part of the cow. Grasp the udder with two fingers and begin milking.

Don't know how to spot a winning cow at a fair? Then watch this how to video as this young boy explains what qualities make up a good cow. Things that you should look out for are height and udder quality.

how to
How to Dry off a cow Check out this how-to video to learn how to dry off a cow. Wear protective gloves to reduce the spread of infection. Apply the penicillin tubes.

Milk a cow in four minutes with tips from this how-to video. For your first step, tie her legs so she wont kick you. Clean her udders before you start milking her.

how to
How to Call cows Grass farmer Tom Davenport shows how he moves his cows on Hollin Farms in the Crooked Run Valley near Delaplane, VA.